Cheeky Missy
What Was the Question, Again?
I suppose the freakiest thing was that no vestige of the excitement remained when I returned an hour later.
Now You Know Why We\'d Ramen for Lunch?
Green grapes, not jelly, aebleskivers that detail
Half sought and now indulged, ah, whither hence?
Cold butter in their warm and fluffy sense
Of buttermilk, eggs gently fried t\'avail,
The turkey sausage is too odd in frail
Excuse, and morning\'d feign uncertain, dense
Grey region clouds til going out fr\'intents
To get the car washed adds lo, what, sans bail?
Intrigue shall not be searched? P\'lice as it were
In droves, with rifles, ready for a cue
And what?! the worst?! reroute me, while in tour
How sirens haunt, two ambulances to
Effect now active with the warning fer
My training, \"Active--\" oh me! What\'d who do?
So there.
Yes, Yes, My Friends, I\'m Having Fun
From pointed traffic to yes, traffic, whence?
Where who adjusts his collar leaving, they\'ll
Swear what they want, but oh! He knows. Then trail
Behind T-Mobile cust\'mers likewise thence
All coming to collect the *free* fr\'intents
Umbrella with that logo, pink\'s detail
Its marker, to find \"yer unwelcome!\" hail
A circling to have \"my\" space stolen hence.
Alas. My temper boils til I\'d as t\'were
Who cares what. Wherefore is my temper to
Effect so hot and fast?! Come, that is poor.
Let Tuesday go to pot--I\'ll sleep unto
Day\'s end since how a mug of Ramen\'d cure
Me, and, oh LORD my God, how I need You.