Abraham Konchellah

Forgive Your Past Self

Forgive your past self

Out of the fortunes of this graceful present time

Joyfully erect a wall between you and him, with no door and no keys

With ugly rough cement and shapeless stones on your side

And flowers, paint and pictures on his


As you rummage through the closet of your mind,

Keep your mental hands away from his shelf.

Lest he slowly encroaches from behind

Swallows, and dissolves you back into himself


If you must look at the shades of skin,

you have shed and the ones you have kept

Do not look back at him with mockery or contempt

Lest in envy he strips off your now glowing shiny skin


Stop not at his yards, even when you are tired and lost

He will knock you down from your high horse

Gorge out your eyes, make you blind and morose

Visit him not, for he is now a ghost.