
Love poems.

# Nature\'s Apology

In the whisper of the leaves I find,  
An echo of my heart, once unkind.  
Each rustle in the gentle breeze,  
Carries my regrets among the trees.  

The rain taps softly on the window pane,  
Each drop a tear for causing you pain.  
May it wash away the hurt I\'ve sown,  
And nourish the love that we have grown.  

Under the sun\'s forgiving light,  
I seek to mend and make things right.  
Its warmth a promise, strong and true,  
To heal my heart, to cherish you.  

The ocean\'s waves, with endless grace,  
Mirror the longing on my face.  
Each crest and fall, a silent plea,  
For you to sail back home to me.  

Snowflakes fall, pure and white,  
Blanketing sorrow in the night.  
Each flake an apology, soft and slow,  
Hoping to melt and let love flow.  

In the grass beneath our feet,  
I find the strength to rise, to meet.  
Your gentle gaze, your tender touch,  
My heart does yearn for you so much.  

Among the sticks and fallen leaves,  
Lie memories that my heart weaves.  
Through nature\'s tapestry, I find,  
The words to heal, to be kind.  

So in this poem, my heart does speak,  
A vow to cherish, love unique.  
Forgive me, love, as nature grows,  
Together, our love forever flows.


**An Apology in Nature\'s Embrace**

Beneath the towering giants of the forest,  
Where sunlight filters through the emerald leaves,  
I stand, my heart heavy with the weight of regret,  
In this sacred space, my soul quietly grieves.

The autumn leaves fall, like whispers of my sorrow,  
Each vibrant hue a testament to the pain I’ve wrought,  
Yet in their descent lies a promise of tomorrow,  
A chance to renew the love that I once sought.

The rain cascades down, a symphony of tears,  
Each droplet a testament to my remorse,  
As the earth drinks deeply, quenching its fears,  
I long for your forgiveness to chart our new course.

The sun breaks the horizon, igniting the sky,  
Its golden fingers reach out to caress the land,  
A reminder that even in darkness, love can fly,  
Rekindling the warmth of a bond so grand.

The ocean’s waves crash, relentless and wild,  
Their rhythm mirrors the heartbeat of my plea,  
For in their depths lies the heart of a child,  
Longing to return to the grace of your sea.

Upon the mossy ground, where wildflowers bloom,  
I lay my heart bare, stripped of all pretense,  
In the embrace of nature, I seek to consume  
The lessons learned, to mend what’s immense.

Amidst the stones and shadows of our past,  
I pledge to craft a future, steadfast and true,  
A sanctuary of love, unbreakable and vast,  
Where every heartbeat whispers, “I cherish you.”

In the grandeur of nature, my spirit finds voice,  
A melody woven in each rustling leaf,  
Forgive my missteps, let love be our choice,  
For you are the light that banishes my grief.