Emile Dubois

In the midst of death Montmartre lament


In the midst of death
Stood a lost detached spirit
Heart bursting asunder
Wanting to reach out

The distance seperated the moment
Frozen in time left yearning
All that might have been
Condemned to eternity

A sickness from vertigo
Destabilising a sense of being
Clutching at the now
fractured from the whole

I wanted to lay down
to steady the senses
To reset the balance
And earth me to the ground

the realisation in stepping back
Going inside blocking it out
that split in reality 
which harbours growth

Moving through a place of darkness
Light sometimes breaking in
Giving food to the soul
Illuminating the road

In all our days, trials.
Tribulations we do not need to hold
Yet we surround ourselves
With aching memories that bind us to sorrow.