

outside the drawn floral curtains 

in the scary dark night 

a door closed 


over and over

muffled whispers 

of dad’s voice talking to 

uncle phil


followed by sounds of 

spades digging 

on ground hardened by frost 

striking on flint 

grating on my mind 

over and over 


sharp stones in an untamed 

garden in the cold of



the dog had been sick 

our fluffy black and white pup

my ears strained 

what were they doing 


and then

the penny registered 

in my eight year old brain 

dropping like a dead weight 

hurting my heart 


with horror 

i listened to that scraping 

and bedding down of soil

when i was unable to 

shed a single tear 


hiding under the counter pane 


a small leaf buried under 

a mountain of sadness