Without you, the nights are always sleepless and cold
My love has disappeared to many depths of the above
I am in so much pain and I have nobody nor nothing to hold
You have flown away from me, like a white holy dove
My heart has torn to pieces since you have gone away
My soul is nonstop aching and hurting from your cold loneliness
Leaving to fight and battle with my demons at night and day
I have got a horrible heartache and in a huge depressive mess
My ears are still listening out for your phenomenal voice
Among the beautiful butterflies of peace I swear to see
In my tears and cries, for you did not have a choice
To carry on your holy journey, you had to leave me
I just hope you know, how I cannot help thinking about you
Our love was so so sweet, precious and pure to me
Far away from heavens above, you are my love that is true
But in my tears I now know that you are flying free
Now, when I think about you, I just want to curl up to die
Nothing nor nobody else can replacer my sweet, darling you
There is nothing to do or change about this, all I can do is say goodbye
I always know that you are in heaven and saying back, I love you too.