When he doesn’t want you dressing a certain way; that’s not toxic; believe what he has to say. He’s not claiming you as property. He’s merely protecting you. If he doesn’t want you in the club; keep him; he’s got good intentions for you. If she doesn’t like the idea of you having many female friends; that’s not jealousy; that’s a pure woman. One whose love and loyalty is not to be played with. She’s a woman who knows her worth; she can be your biggest blessing. When he pushes you past your limit trust he’s making you see your potential. Allow him to lead and you’ll see this isn’t coincidental. If she pushes you to be a better man; this woman with be worth it until the very end. It isn’t always sunshine and rainbows; you certainly will be tested; at the end of the day, It’s about trust, love, and respecting. Respecting each other through the good and bad times too. Never going to bed angry; saying I love you. I’m no expert; just see things in a different light. I may be wrong; but I may be right.