Poetic Licence

The Adventures of Mary & Harry(1)

Adventures of Mary and Harry (1).


Hairy Mary.

Was getting ready for

Passion but she

Got her knickers.

In a twist.


Hairy Mary tried.

To mount happy Harry.

She slipped and.

And Harry didn’t get

His wish..


Tobani Jan 2025.


Harry was feeling horny.

Mary was making a list.

No foreplay don\'t take long.

Harry complied with

Mary\'s wish.


Mary laid on the bed.

Harry got on with it.

When Harry was done.

Mary had finished her list.


Tobani Jan 2025.


Mary was due home very soon.

Harry was meant to tidy the room.

Mary went completely berserk.

Kicked Harry where it really hurt.

Now Harry has balls like balloons.


Tobani Jan 2025.