
I paid no heed to the call of the siren(s)

where amble lances
hurled with the might
of off fish hull seductress dances
setting figurative stage to take a bite
from canoodling beastie boy best eaten alive
or just after freshly being killed.

oblivious to the ramifications
courtesy the deafening ear splitting sound,
nor mindful of the devastating emotional fallout
lurking within outer limits of dark shadows
ineluctably drawn into penile pacification,
yours truly surrendered
to the atavistic call of the wild.

heedless where \"still thelassic waters run deep,\"
I set the prow of skiff
christened Matthew Scott Harris
unbeknownst of the
shark and piranha infested waters
far from the pseudo sanctuary of safety
(way out of eyesight
and earshot of being rescued)
forsook being availed
from self destruction
courtesy the rocky shoal
littered with the detritus

flotsam, and jetsam
of lovely bones devoid of flesh
tell·tale sign of ferocious,
malicious, and vicious
maneaters particularly satiating

young stud muffins buffed
in the prime of their life
although if slim pickings occur

even old Norwegian Bachelor
spinning yarns about fictitious town

of Lake Woebegone, Minnesota
\'where all the women are strong,
all the men are good looking,
and all the children are above average.\'

Rather, I succumbed to primal urge
head over heels
far as the eye could see
barenaked ladies
blindsided yours truly
into a false sense of security,
where nymphs cavorted, sported
and particularly exhorted me
to forego sense and sensibility
and to screw rationality,
where misfortune signaled my demise.

I insouciantly ignored a sixth sense
warning me against further trespass,
nevertheless overpowering temptation
for carnal desire
(read a strong longing
for physical or sexual pleasure

this despite being a married male,

albeit celibacy gripped gonad -
quizzically hardening prickliness

into test easy rider of decadence feeling

conflict against sacrosanct pledged troth

vows upended The vows:
\"I, ___, take thee, ___,
to be my wedded wife/husband,
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better, for worse,
for none the richer, for none the poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish,
till death do us part,
according to God\'s holy ordinance;
and thereto I pledge thee my faith\"
entreating, kickstarting, and readily
zapping sacrilegious oath)

dwindling horniness linkedin
pacified tactile x-rated zeal
to the point where eunuch horns trumpet
voice of a castrato, a male singer
who castrated before puberty
since taking prescription medication

to quell generalized and performance anxiety,
especially when premature ejaculation
compromised potential orgasmic climax
immediately tempering hormonal secretion
by dick tat videre licet limp libido
superseded voyaging into dangerfield
strewn with deadly landmines.