In the early morning as I sitting write,
Those negative feelings that seem to take flight,
The sun hasn\'t risen and my soul feel dark as night,
So much has gone wrong at times it seems my whole life long,
I refuse these feelings and fight, so that I may take flight,
I have so much in my life that means the world to me,
So I know if I hold on God and all the loved ones will set me free,
I love this land from the grass to the Sea,
From the ground to the skies,
All the animals and birds and all I can see,
All my dearest ones that I hold close to me,
I love them with all of me,
I wouldn\'t have the life I live it wasn\'t for God who is my Lord,
He is the Divinity in my life that truly sets me free,
He nourishes me and feeds me,
He knows exactly what I need,
He gives me the strengths to fight these emotions of doubt,
He gives me the power to stand and shout,
My friends my loved ones my father son and holy Ghost who mean the most ,
This is what truly what sets me free from all the negativity,
To make me remember and know which way I need to go,
It\'s always darkest before the dawn,
Life wasn\'t meant to be easy,
Your whole life long,
No matter how tired, no matter how wary, I will stand up and fight,
With the power of family friends and loved ones and God will set me free,
To be the one I need to be,
Back to the one I once was,
Back to nature where I belong,
We\'re I can bask in the love of life and Friends for the rest of my lifelong,
So no matter how bad things get,
No matter how much you think you\'re going to die,
No matter how much you sit and cry,
Find it within to be happy and grin,
You\'re not alone,
There\'s always somebody there especially the man on the throne,
All these things, friends, family, loved ones, the Lord, the beautiful Earth and everything within it will give you the strength,
Set me Free again.