
Money lender......beware!

Money lender Mr nice guy

Warm handshake and honest grin

If you need it he\'ll supply it



Soon with money in your pocket

Money lenders heaven sent

Now you have it all on credit 

Plenty left to pay the rent


Money lender in your interest 

Now he\'s knocking on your door 

Pay him back what you have borrowed

Then you pay him back some more


Soon with holes in all your pockets 

Money lenders not so nice

You forget to read the small print

So begins the sacrifice 


Money lender Mr tough guy

Two clenched fists and ice cold stare

Rest assured he won\'t forget you

Not until the cupboards bare


Soon you\'ll have no one to turn to

Nothing left nowhere to hide

Money lenders knock knock knocking

Alas the law is on his side.