...Or maybe Afternoon or Evening walk
Taking Fido for walkies, that is!
Woof! he says - it\'s time
Leave KP in my kennel with an old bone
I\'ve eaten her breakfast again
Quick let\'s go, before she wakes up
And asks you for more money for botox
She won\'t be recognisable soon
Except as an old trout
They\'ll chuck her in the river
That\'s the place for trouts!
And when we get back
I\'ll get my pipe
(no baccy in it - it\'s just for show - makes me look good)
My carpet slippers, and reading glasses too
And check if anyone\'s been naughty
And not marked poems 18+ when they should be!
Not to self: Old Fido, he\'s a one
But when will this stop, Orchi?
This horridness to KP?
Will you give it up for Lent?
At least for Lent, if not for ever?