Cheeky Missy
HaHa, It Won\'t Be Long Now
...til March, can you believe it?
We\'ve Only Ten Days Left
While afternoon yet lingers with a hale
Note of sheer Spring within its eye for sense,
Oh let me, like the world, bask in it hence
Ere nightfall swallow aught we knew, avail
My soul where hope winks \'spite the snow\'s detail.
How sparrows just beyond these four walls, thence
With cheery cries as if in concert, whence?
But we rejoice together down the trail.
Tis only Tuesday, with no tea as t\'were
To hearten but it\'s old, yet that will do.
Drink up until I am awake in tour,
And heat the porridge, breakfast hash now too,
Canad\'an bacon on its warmth, bestir
The griddle for fried eggs as we thank You.
Remind me now of how I saw Winter in June?!
Why Am I Haunted Now By June?
How charming to watch Spring\'s eye on these dense
Vast fields of whitest snow, where aught detail
Is frozen til the sun culls puddles\' trail
Across the shoveled blacktop with a sense
Of yonder just in tow likeas defense.
As if the light holds promise, like t\'avail,
Dost whisper in my soul of yonder? Frail
Though aught \'scuse, I know warmth is coming, whence?
It will be June before we realize, poor
Though such things look now. All that we\'ve passed through
Oer in a blink, it won\'t be long ere we\'re
Too hot and thinking snow half welcome. Do
The math to learn what is. Oh LORD, bestir
In us to see afar off unto You.
18Feb25b way too short.
Dear Me, Suddenly the Time
Croissants whose butt\'ry flavour maunt avail
Except alone, pair chicken salad thence
With for a quick lunch, to begin fr\'intents
To dream of grand desserts on that detail,
Til such devolve to naught or lacking bail
Unless, what eh? Nutella tasty, hence
Craft lo, bread pudding with\'t, croissants for sense
The base, and I\'ll rethink suggestions\' trail.
Perhaps I will craft smoothies likeas fer
All that I\'d planned for the bananas. Two
Pies still wait to be crafted as in tour
I\'d planned a month ago, and need to do.
Somehow t\'will be the time of flowrs astir
Where I\'m backed up with projects. You?