
The Information Building.

When I entered the silence surrounded me,

This was a hallowed place, full of answers,

A place where joy and wisdom abounded.

The occasional turn of a page was heard

Where somebody was seeking knowledge.

The footfalls so carefully trod

Not disturbing others from their peace.

As I creep down the rows

The books either side look down on me,

All these words needing to be read.

I stop and gaze at the majestic tomes

And slide one gently from the shelf.

The words so beautifully crafted on the page

Give so much pleasure in their form.

I read page after page

And there I find that for which I was looking.

I almost broke the silence with my thoughts

As there it was the information I needed.

So much information in this library,

This hallowed place,

Had now answered my question.

My bus was due in ten minutes.