Cheeky Missy

I Swear It\'s Been Too Long, You Know?

Remind Me Every Morning, Aye
Whose voice calls from beyond the g\'rage walls, dense
With notes of April in that song? Th\'all hail
Familyar and too sweet, half wakens frail
Hopes of sich sunny hours like in defense,
Til I can see afresh tis only hence
A matter of sheer patience til\'d avail
In full, this waiting, captive to the trail
Of snow and bitter chill worth keen suspense.
How sparrows tease as I walk back in tour
To my apartment, nary leaf in view,
No hindrance to these wonted strains which stir
The same as now our hearts feel every cue,
Spring\'s suit well worth all Feb\'ry yield as t\'were
Since lo, that\'s how it must be: we wait You.
Laugh At Me Now, Will You?
Now sparrows tease and sunny hours avail
In spurts, e\'en warmth half breathes \'cross snow fields dense
With promise \'neath that coverlid, what hence?
But lo, my neighbor thus remarks to scale
\"The weather seems nice,...\" as each small detail
Begins to stir anew with life, a sense
Of yonder in the eye of heavn, from whence
We garner hope where Feb\'ry \'gins to fail.
Hark! now the card\'nal woos, again astir,
These measures of dear Spring, mislabeled to
Deceive us, what they allus ver\'ly were.
Oh! to behold and know what is, and true!
Let me not faint before the treach\'rous tour
Of early hours, but now endure to You.