
F**k Society!

My mental health is in jeopardy,

I want to get on a plane

And go somewhere far

And forget about this world....

For I am lonely within my grieving

I want nothing to do with temp agencies anymore

Because they\'ve screwed me over too many times

I have finally waved the white flag!

My heart is in ruins

Because people don\'t care

About the wayward girl

Begging for change...

For I long for this world to change!

I live across the street

Begging for a dime

Every day,

And now I see that society is broken

I crawl from limb to limb

Looking for a heart space,

Somewhere I can call my home

My real home,

For I never had a real home...

I am a sunflower

And society is dirt

Crumbling at the seams,

I wonder what this all means

For I truly wear my heart on my sleeve

And I wonder what\'s to become of society.

I want pretty flowers in the spring

I want a home to call my own,

I want real friends who love me

I want a family who needs me

I just want someone to hold me...

What does this all mean?

For I am a wayward girl

Behind the scenes,

No one really sees me

For I am invisible

To society.