Sir Nigel Crisp has made it plain,
His aim in life is eternal fame,
And amongst his Record Breaking goals,
A ‘Nudist Expedition’ to the Earth’s South Pole.
Oh it may be cold with frosty air,
So a Woolly-Hat is the thing to wear.
Then after that in just one day,
He’ll Swim the A1 Motorway,
Of course it’s dry and Blacktop-Laid,
But that’s the Challenge the Road has made.
Then next his wondrous great event,
The first ‘Cold Air’ Ballooning assent,
It’s never been done, or so it’s claimed,
‘But Science’ he said ‘Is about to be shamed’.
And another stunt and Hair-Brained’ Plan,
Is to ‘Jump’ across a 18mile span,
Of the great ‘Grand Canyon’ by Muscle Power,
By peddling a Bike, 600miles an hour.
And straight across to much acclaim,
Well ; that’s the plan he’s set in train.
A trifle Odd it must be said ,
But these strange schemes do fill his head.
So when next you read of Courage Paid,
In the ‘Guinness’ Book of Records made,
Be not surprised by a page or two,
Of Sir Nigel’s feats of Daring-Do.