I wake up and I get ready for school
I put on the makeup so no one sees the scars
Not only on me but within me
I seem happy in school
Laughing, talking with my friends
But in reality I really am not that happy
I put my friends first
Its always friends and family, plus loved ones first
Then those I don\'t like
You have a tough day at school
Tough day at home
Tough day in general
And you just collapse in bed
You fall and cry
And hopes that no one will find
Find you
Just hope that they will leave you alone too
And the mascara is dripping down your face
The eyeliner in smeared
The stains on your pillow
Don\'t disappear
If a girl laughs too much even at little things
She is probably very lonely inside
You dont know what\'s going on
So let it be
If a girl ask you to leave her alone
She probably needs you most at that time
So don\'t get mad
Just try to be there
As the days go by
More and more people most likely are to commit
You don\'t know what\'s going on
If you think a our life is easy, you are wrong
Responsibilities, stress,family problems, no true friends, studies, dreams that are to be or not already broken,society, alone, tension, fear of failure, getting told your ugly, and a curse, depression, but still fighting for dreams.
Pain doesn\'t destroy you
It creates a heartless version of you
As the days go by you hurt yourself more and more
And what is it worth
You are NOT worth it
You don\'t do deserve what you have
I think every single day
If I was a boy what would happen
Would I finally be seen
Or would I get pushed down again
If I was a boy would the sexism stop at school for me
Or would it get worse
If I was a boy would people actually like me
Or would they hate me
As the days go by