Whether it was a reality or my fantasy,
I’m still feeling
Your quiet breathing and gentle touching.
Whether it was a reality or my fantasy,
I’m still hearing
Your lullaby and tenderness kissing.
Last night was moonless and scary,
And I was drowning
In the nightmares that froze my blood.
You helped me to calm down, you helped me
To realize my fears were fake,
But were you real, or was my broken mind playing with me so cruelly?
The distance separates us from each other,
But we’re still alive,
And we’re still fighting with ourselves and all these horrors of our minds.
Whether it was reality or my fantasy...
Whether it was a blessing or a curse...
Our minds are our prisons;
We knew it from the start.
But no one can judge us for our love, no one can say we made mistakes finding each other in this awful world.
We shouldn’t explain our love;
We should fight and care for our feelings,
Now I realize it clearly, my broken prince, and I never leave you.
We will pass through it, I swear.
I have a premonition.
We will meet again soon, and then
I won\'t let you go when you feel bad.
There are two of us,
Two lost souls in the Universe.
I don’t blame you.
I would go, too, if I felt the same.
I feel, honestly.
And I would rather not hurt you.
If we are together, it will be easy.
We shouldn’t hide.
Our minds are prisons for us both,
So why do we try to run away?
This night is beautiful;
Moonlight is bright and gold.
Can you see this beauty in your window?
I know you’re writing now.
You always write
When darkness covered with her wings your mind and soul.
Promise you will show me all your poems
And your music
You have written till you were imprisoned by your fears.
I’m writing, too.
We can do it together the next time.
I know you don’t want to hurt me, too.
But you won’t.
I promise.
Our demons love each other, like we do.
Take care of yourself; don’t let the darkness pull you down to the bottom of your fears.
I’m mentally with you.
Just remember, Ash. I love you.
Even if you think you don’t deserve it.
You do.
You always do.
Let’s find the exit from this prison together.
With love,
Always yours,
Aconite Coil