It\'s morning time and I\'m tired from the night before.
Me and my friends went exploring and we had become sore - but we stumbled across something.
We went to a beach that we had never been to before.
Each of us, one by one, went into the ocean - thinking something was gonna happen.
But we relaxed and enjoyed swimming, then after a little while we made a fire.
We told scary stories to spook us, and we ate smores.
We were enjoying our time when all of a sudden the sun was starting to come out.
We packed our stuff up and went to the car, only to find that the door was locked.
We looked for the keys (which seemed like an eternity) and managed to find them.
We dodged other cars, took a shortcut through the forest.
There the car got stuck, and we ran on foot getting cuts and bruises along the way.
We thought hope was lost, the sun kept getting closer!
But we ran and we didnt stop until we got home.
We managed to get home we had beat the sun we all laughed and thought it was great fun.