The child trembles, like she had never witnessed death before -
watching her father drink his sorrows away,
her mother cower as her father hovered over her.
The child trembles, like she had never witnessed death before -
watching her brother slowly plan his escape.
The child trembles, like she had never witnessed death before-
Watching her sister fade further away
The child trembles, like she had never witnessed death before-
even though she was the one who insisted on the fish got a funeral.
The child trembles, like she had never witnessed death before-
watching as new bruises begin to bloom.
The child trembles,
watching her hands shake as she writes her name
The child trembles, like she had never witnessed death before-
watching her father WHACK her mother across the face - her body landing with a thud.
The child trembles – as she watches her mother pick herself up,
like nothing had happened to be kicked in the back.
The child trembles, like she had never witnessed death before-
as she watched her father become a monster,
the one he vowed he would not become.
The child trembles,
clinging onto her mother,
sobbing – the blood and tears now one.
The child trembles,
holding on to her mother’s hand,
silently praying - zipping her up,
taking her heart with.
The child trembles, like she had never witnessed death before-
As she watched her brother print his one-way ticket,
grasping it with a blood-stained hand,
to walk out the door, never to return
The child trembles, like she had never witnessed death before-
watching her sister writing at the desk.
The child trembles,
as her sister ties the knot round her throat,
staring into her now hallow soul.
The child trembles, like she had never witnessed death before -
Frozen as they take her sister away.
The child trembles,
as she stares into her sister’s coffin.
The child trembles, she had never experienced death before -
her face become more sunken in.
The child trembles -
As she watches her ribs leave her body.
The child trembles, she had never experience death before-
Watching her complexion in the mirror slowly disappear.
The child trembles, she had never experienced death before -
As they carry out another casket,
the child trembles -
Peering over the edge.
The child is still, like she had never felt death before
As death wraps around her,
stealing her breath.
The child is silent, lips unmoving
The child is peaceful, never feeling more at ease than this moment.
The child is home, where silence holds her close.