More than my share of lemons, I drank too much lemonade
Too many of sun\'s hot demons, I spent too much time in the shade
Far too long the hours of labor, excessive burns from hot sun
Too many a nosey neighbor, false friendships by the ton
So many memories of young children, ah... and how many old dogs
Too much time, hope buildin\', too often seeing it sink in despair\'s bogs
More than enough pockets empty, given so many handouts of pity
Too often on court dockets, too many pleas handled by committee
An overflowing plate of abuse, wiped clean, with a cloth of warm sun rays
More anger than a hungry heart can use, a surplus of planted days
More than a fair share of tears, too many years of strife with a loving wife
An overabundance of fears, I\'ve seen enough of a beautiful life