Without dreams we have nothing
And when we sleep
At night
We all should dream
About something
Everyone dreams when they
Are sleeping
They all have
Different dreams
Some might dream
With the birds flying
High in the sky
During the day
Yes it is beautiful
To dream about birds
When I sleep
I dream with my father
Who had made me
In his image
I am also
Also, I am very proud
Of my father
Also, we have
A good relationship
For many years
And for many years
We have known
Each other
It was my father that
Had created me
In his image
And my father
Tells me I am
A beautiful
And handsome
In his eyes
I don\'t agree with my father
That is his opinion
In my opinion
I am an ugly men
I am not handsome
At all
My father gave me grey hair
Also, my hair is curly
I have a horrible
When I comb my hair
It doesn\'t stay down
Stays up again
I must say that it drives me crazy
My father gave me brown eyes
The same color of
Also, I have lost already lots of hair
And I am almost bold
I hate to lose hair
But that is life
Everything not on purpose
But life was made
Like that by my father
I won\'t live forever old
Here on earth
I know that I will die
Some day and go to heaven
Where it is peaceful
And I also
I will be reunited with my family
In heaven
I know that the day I die
My friends that I had
On earth for a long time
Will be very
Sad to see me
Leaving Earth
Also the earth
Will never be the same
Without me
Will be re united
With my family in heaven