
Creation Praise

Tune: Darwall

(\'Ye holy angels bright\')

Psalm 148


Praise you the Lord, Him praise

To Him your anthems raise

To Him in heavens height

All open to His sight

Praise Him, all you angels, and all

His hosts, worship, before Him fall


Praise Him, sun, moon, each star

Which dwell from the earth far

Praise Him all heavens, clouds

Which do the earth enshroud

Let them praise His name, for He spake

His word, them created, did make


He has them established

Each as He willed and wished

Set them for ever, placed

Them sure, and each has graced

Praise the Lord all on earth, in seas

Fire, hail, snow, vapours, winds, and trees


Mountains, hills, animals

Cattle on land, in stalls

Creeping things, birds, too kings

Each Him their praises brings

And princes, rulers, young and old

Praise Him, let His glory be told


For His name it lone

Is excellent, it known

His glory great, strength He

Gives to His people, we

His saints, praise our strength it be here

We a people to the Lord near