
People Praise

Tune: Regent Square

(\'Lord of beauty, thine the splendour\')

Psalm 149 v.1-6


Praise you the Lord, sing to the Lord

Come, join, praise Him, true His word

Among the great congregation

Folk gathered from each nation

Let His people Israel rejoice

In Him, He made them His choice


Let the children of ion sing

Be joyful in their Lord, King

Let them praise His name in the dance

Music, instruments enhance

Praise Him with the timbrel and harp

In sweet sounds, none rough or sharp


For the Lord He does take pleasure

In His people, His treasure

And He will beautify the meek

With salvation, they Him seek

Let saints be joyful in glory

Sing loud on their beds, so be


Let the high praises of God be

In their mouth, and His word, see

As a two-edged sword in their hand

Bringing justice to the land

Working vengeance* on enemies

Till all evil from them flees


* With the theme of vengeance in some Psalms (Old Testament), it is said that good cannot triumph without the overthrow of evil. This somehow balances out with the New Testament emphasis on \'love one another\'. Though loving God and one\'s \'neighbour\' is also in the Old Testament.