Cheeky Missy

There\'s Nothing Quite Like Sundays, Y\'Know?

[no, I\'m NOT smug...just, you know]
Don\'t Look at Me: I Told You So
Why\'s Summer barking at the door to scale
Ere thin ice has e\'en melted?! As if thence, 
Sans aught permission, all moves with a sense
Tis here or gone ere we knew to avail
Ourselves, Favon\'us haunts both lea and dale,
Sweet flowrs in hand with soft bouquets fr\'intents
Behind his back, like some coy suitor, whence?
But Spring is here and waltzing, likeas bail.
From Barry\'s with both shortbread and in tour
A wedge of Brie, throw salads mixt up to
Effect, and egg rolls, Cheer\'os, and yes, fer
All that Chobani in for breakfast through
Lunch, and I have no time. Tis cold?! what were
The temps that outdoors is no freezer \'new?
...trying to grow up, sorta.
I\'m But A Sorry Child, It Seems
How ev\'ry cherished season waits fr\'intents,
Then is quite gone ere I knew to avail
Me in its tender moments, aught detail
\'Non winking at me from aught coverts, dense
With import, whilst I feign I\'ve no defense,
To find, forsooth, tis true?! Where turn? I\'m frail,
Yet hope is not, but stronger; joys maunt fail
But are on ev\'ry side, til what\'s pretense?
Fooled by the hasty impulse, all\'d bestir
And told me so, yet neighbors swore\'s untrue.
I let suspense eat at my placid tour
Of minutes til, how all\'s in full swing through
The weeks, and swears I ver\'ly knew. Twas poor
To doubt. Forgive me, LORD. All wait on You.
splash in the pan as they term it?
How February Seems Short-Lived
It could be Summer from the light\'s detail.
White snow in view negates such notions hence,
But for the moment, how it flirts with sense
Til I\'m persuaded, though by halves, t\'avail
Me, \'cept I\'m on the clock. Third shift sans bail
Tonight, guess sleep is short-lived til fr\'intents
The morrow,  much as I HATE that. Defense
Thee \'lone, oh LORD, let aught praise Thee nor fail.
So much for MY plans. With a view as t\'were
Of May or June, I\'m half mixt up. Where to?
I need to craft tea-lemonade in tour,
Or else the morning will be left to rue
My failures. One hour left and half, bestir
In me to seek Thy face and wait on You.
23Feb25c I could.
Erst Wont to Dream, If Only
Oh let me watch whileas the light doth fence
These wastes in sweetness, shadows silent, pale
And stretched across the face of now in frail
Grey, as the afternoon seems paused fr\'intents;
As life is but a picture, though from hence
We breathe and move, where ev\'ry last detail
Is calm and waiting on Thee, LORD. Avail
Me now where haste eats at me, asking whence?
If only I could lose me here as t\'were,
Forget all else nor be the prey, but through
These charming minutes be myself in tour
Back in my father\'s house, where aught I knew
Was framed by love. How nothing seems to stir,
Although the shadows grow. Let me wait You.