
Father I feel so good to be loved by you

I feel so good to be loved by you
Also father
 I must tell you that
I need to be loved by somebody
And that somebody is you
Also you have made me
With your holy hands
Many years ago
And you took good
Care of me
Because I was a baby
And I needed lots of care
Changing my diapers
Every two hours
I was a lot of work for you
But the only way I could communicate
With you was by crying
A few months later
I had my baptism
A few months later I Had grown a bit
And I was a chubby baby
And one year later I stop
Wearing finally diapers
I became a beautiful boy
And I started my childhood
My father had played with me
For a few hours every day
Then I had a nap in the afternoon
For a couple hours