

Here\'s some examples - add your own

Some true - some may not be.


A person actually did not dot his \'i\'s when writing

As he said he wanted to save ink (true)


A Lady to a servant - 

Now, look, you\'ve forgotten

To dip those strawberries in sugar

For my pet monkeys (true)


If a Fire Door notice says

\'Keep Closed at all times\'

How we gonna get out if there\'s a fire?


I always save money

I find the Pound Shop - £1 (or Dollar Shop $1?) very expensive

I always go to the 99p shop (or 99 cents shop?)

And save 1p each time (or 1 cent?)


What I want to know is:

Why is \'abbreviation\' such a long word?

Can\'t it be abbreviated?


How did you spend that extra second we had one year?

I spent it well - 

I flew round the word 5,493 times

Went to the Moon and back 3,846 times

And took 8,483 trips on the No.7 bus

All in that one second!


A person sort of held a church to ransom - 

Let me show my holiday slides of the Holy Land

During a service

[Though it may bore ya - most of the photos show me, me, me]

Or else I will withdraw a grant of money I made to ya (true)


Meanwhile - I\'m trying to hack off

This ball and chain KP put on me leg

She threw away the key to the lock on it!