
Webs of words


To the Greeks weaving was an allegory, of the art of poetry

Ovid\'s poetry reviled, by Augustus who had him exiled


Arachne mortal weaver sublime, hubris was her crime

So her art to scuttle, Athena beat her with her shuttle

Following the game the dame hung herself in shame

With pity Athena eyed her, then turned her into a spider


Cobwebs cling to me, lingering threads of what used to be

Memories broken pulled away glisten in the light of day

Strands once woven with care, fragments sticky tickle of despair

Pieces of what once was home now floating in air do roam


Hairs grown and cut, where happy life on eight legs did strut

Spun webs of lost communication now fall in trailing separation

Once a glistening pattern of lies, now swept, empty truth catches no flies

In sticky silk memories caught, lie my words under dust forgot