

Cindy Beale:

Starlight intertwines with fire,

I will stand in it

‘Cause within my heart is the worst of it,

Too many chances I could take,

To wrong my rights,

They starlit my sky

I’m walking away from destruction,

Hoping the pain that I caused is effective

Left, Right, Up, Down

Guide towards home from within you


Left, Right, Up, Down

Guide towards home from within you


As thoughtless as my conscience,

I will walk towards the light

Though beauty may be broken,

I will not run from what’s right

As I walk towards a new direction,

Heartened by integration,

I’ll find love

Because even when I’m broken, I’m enough

I am enough


My passion,

A force, indestructible

Can I put this fire out,

That’s debatable

My heart, it feels deeply, and true

A silent, destructive,

Force will power through

With a conscience as thoughtless as mine,

But give up just a little to shine

Beyond the broken pieces,

Bares a woman who soullessly cares

When I’m finally fixed

I will ascend


Left, Right, Up, Down

Guide towards home within you


I will walk ‘til I can walk no more,

Embedded in what may lie ahead,

Shaken to the core

If I fail again… I’m done

I will walk towards the lock and key

Keep failing:

Onward, and upward

One day from myself I’ll be free


This is for the lady of the wave,

I’ve made mistakes,

I’ll fix myself

This goes out to the hand I can hold,

I will fix the heart

Of the lady who’s worth her weight in gold