
The Fierce Beauty

The Fierce Beauty

If you’ve ever been caught in a freakish storm

Where massive thunderheads quickly form

And you could feel the electricity in the air The pulse and threat of the lightening there

If you’ve seen hail falling and heard the sirens roar

Covered yourself with a mattress on the bathroom floor

Then you have beheld the fierce beauty


If you’ve seen the majestic beast stalk its prey

With power and grace as it calculates its way

If you have ever witnessed the intensity in its stare

The blood streaked mane glistening in the suns glare

The confident stride as it walks away

The tenderness when engaged with its cubs at play

You have beheld the fierce beauty


If you have lived and loved and lost in life

Enjoyed a sunrise and endured a dark night

If you ever lost your breath in passions throes

Held someone’s hand while their soul goes

If you’ve ever held your child and felt the joy they bring

And then watched them suffer but you felt the sting

You have beheld the fierce beauty