Cheeky Missy

Don\'t Ask Me Now, I\'m Somewhere Else

...go figure?
Funny, I\'m So Far Behind Yet
Oh, but tis Spring, and I\'m in love! The frail
Light of these hours lade with such hope from hence
Mine heart\'d rejoice, oercome, though nary scents
Waft from aught covert, yet, each last detail
Alive with waking life as songs t\'avail
Lilt from all corners, happ\'ly courting thence
Both high and low, whilst blue heavns warm fr\'intents
Upon these wastes, or rain passes through with bail.
For now the question post a month ere to
Derail aught cheer is gone. We know tis poor
To doubt as ev\'rywhere of late\'s astir
With little chirping notes, and rustlings to 
Remind us that the season is in tour
Upon us fin\'lly, as, LORD, we wait You.
...just laugh at me?
What IF My Head Is Spinning, Eh?
Sleep fourteen hours was\'t?! Nary prince fr\'intents
To kiss me \'wake, I\'ve so much work in frail
Excuse to do ere I can start t\'avail
Me of this last day of ole Feb\'ry, whence?
Erm, finish Thursday\'s breakfast and from thence
Two sinks of dishes, craft tea-lem\'nade--bail
For fresh since lo, I\'ll wash the pot to scale
Then put the kettle on for Barry\'s hence.
Now I\'m awake, craft porridge, fry in tour
The eggs and bacon, serve with grapefruit to
Sliced apples, cottage cheese in tow as t\'were;
And pepperoni pizza with what to 
Effect? pink lem\'nade. Work calls to bestir
Me \'gain, and where\'d the day go? I wait You.
...guess now the sun is down short sleeves maunt do.
They Asked If I Was Not Cold?!
Sweet early ev\'ning, shadows grow, light hale,
Then grey ere I e\'en knew twas sold fr\'intents,
Blue heavns with fluffy clouds half in suspense,
The light so golden dreams revive the trail
To yonder on the wings of that detail,
As I look oer these fields whose grasses dense
With naught but last year\'s note, brown and dead thence,
Yet \'gainst blue skies at sunset freedom\'d hail.
Tomorrow\'s next month and winds bluster fer
Good measure, like today\'s warmth and sweet blue
Skies will not do for long, yet Spring\'s astir
And I\'m content in that joy, and this view.
Or\'nge burns upon the West as shadows\' tour
Has swallowed aught in grey. LORD, we wait You.
Ha, you weren\'t really wondering, now, were you?
I\'m Not Cold, Thank You
A headache nags for lack of coffee hence,
Is that? Or fer the sun? My breakfast\'s tale
But finished by mere halves, nor lunch\' detail
Worth aught til\'s done, how skies are blue, a sense
I canna pin down in that pure note, thence
Quite out of words cuz wherefore? Naught\'d avail
Yet what else do I need \'cept sleep? Derail
That for my crazy schedule, and pretense.
Clouds which would sail like huge battalions through
These freighted seas are gone. The snow which\'d tour
On schedule but a jest as March first to
Be certain is quite chilly yet as t\'were
Not adding feathers to ole Winter. Stir
Hope in these warming hours, oh LORD, of You.
Compliments Are Perfect Nonsense
Qothe I, \"he\'s quite a bundle,\" aught detail
His to put on its side, whilst he from thence
Would feign pure innocence, his round shades dense
Black, nor revealing aught, til what\'d avail?
I swear, men hit on me, like to prevail,
Their nonchalance nor new nor but pretense,
And I just wonder why? Does it make sense?
How blackbirds flirt with me as if they\'ve bail.
The annals of such must include them too?!
They are such rascals. Gone off to bestir
Sheer trouble out of sight, I\'ll wander through
Fair dreams as well: the cake and paczkis fer
A hol\'day we do not observe, is\'t poor
We\'ll still enjoy the treats while nary woo?
Um, please, don\'t answer me.
I Guess This Is the Rule Is\'t?
Snow act\'lly forecast, I\'m shocked to see thence
Clear morning lost to big fat snowflakes\' tale,
The air white with their swirling, whose detail
I watch half stup\'fied cuz I\'ve no defense?!
Should I put on hot choc\'late? That\'d make sense?
Shall I brush layrs off of my car, as frail
As needing to get her washed? What\'d avail?
Look out and try t\'innure me in suspense.
Wait, and lo, all clears up like March as t\'were
Is full of games, this entry quite the view,
As nary snowflakes \'bide, and wetness fer
All that remains, as if, \"I thought you knew!\"
Egg, hashbrown patty gone, what is astir?
My porridge, pita, hummous wait, me too.