
The Truth About Toxic People

Are you as snobbish as Veruca Salt

Wanting that golden ticket?

Are you as scary as a funhouse

With a thousand doors?

Well I beg your pardon!

You are not entitled at all!

And who do you think you are

In a world of imagination?

For a world of imagination is fun!

I cannot fall in love with you

As a friend nor a foe

Because there is not enough candy in the world

To make you sing...

See, the truth about toxic people

Is that they ruin the world

And the world of imagination is at stake!

This rubbish you call an existence

The existence that is you

Deep down inside you are a rotten corpse!

For this world of imagination

Can do without your toxicity

If you die no one will care

Your seriousness won\'t kill me

In the midst of your death

For no one cares about toxic people

Unless they\'re toxic themselves,

Well suck on a golden egg!

See what is truly rotten inside!

And what you are witnessing

Is a narcissistic injury

A narcissistic slap in the face,

You are going to pop like a blueberry

And splatter all over this town

For everyone has to suffer

Because of you,

And wicked roses shall die upon your face!

And you shall be ugly for the rest of your life!

And here\'s the truth about toxic people....

They never care!

For you are one of them

Trapped in that dirty little bubble

Up in the sky...

Stop trying to ruin our lives!

For people like you must die.

And all the Oompa-Loompas shall dance joyously

Upon the graves of toxic brats,

And Veruca Salt

Was really a bad egg...

Can you imagine all the bad eggs in the world?

Oh silence!

Silence for the toxic people!

For wouldn\'t it be great

If they were no longer around?

The world would definitely be a better place,

For who needs bad people?

Well I\'ve won my golden ticket

Because I am honest and fair

And I don\'t have to cut corners

To make it in this world

So listen up people!

You don\'t have to be toxic

To be in this world,

For toxic people were born without a cause.