Cannot Sleep Again.
It is 2:00am I am still awake on a winter’s morning.
Once again i cannot sleep, i have been up all night.
I am just staring out of my misty bedroom window.
Only to see its pouring down with rain again outside.
The medication appears not to be helping me at all.
Meant to calm my mind, give me a little inner peace.
Possibly I am crazy, I feel like I have lost all control.
I am trying but it gets more difficult to get any sleep.
Relentless verbal kicking is going round in my mind.
Some of the voices battle to be on the winning side.
There is a lonely quiet voice asking for a bit of kind.
It’s drowned out with the banging noise deep inside.
Is it right or is it wrong, I am not sure if I want to care.
There must be a better life then me just existing here.
The mirror tells me it\'s over, no need for me to be here.
The torment just builds and becomes so hard to bare.
They speak to me and saying in time its will be alright.
It will get better; you will come out on the other side.
Therapist manual in hand, they tell me even more lies.
I have reached the point at last, i must finally decide.
Is there a answer to the ongoing car crash in my head.
Could there be an answer to find some internal peace.
Would I quieten the lunatic voices if I was stone dead.
Maybe then after all this time I can finally go to sleep.
Nataiella .