Arghh! Me Lent resolution failed
After just one day - well, five minutes really!
It was \'Be nice to KP in Lent\'
Woof! says Fido
\'You knew it wouldn\'t last\', he says to me
\'Dunno why you bothered to make that promise
You knew you would break it
Cos KP\'s still in my kennel, for one thing
While I\'m in the lap of luxury
And when will you stop feeding her my old bones?
That\'s all she gets to eat these days\'
\'I know you greet her each morning, saying
\'You\'re looking more trout-like each day, my dear\'
\'That\'s how you failed Lent after five minutes!\'
What if the boot was on the other foot? as the saying goes
Well, it can\'t be
Cos KP has put this ball and chain on my ankle
And thrown away the key
So I can\'t put any boots on anyway!