Parking spot
Spot the spot to be in the right spot.
Mark the mark to know where is the mark.
Dot the spot so that the spot has a dot.
The mark holds the spot where the dot parks.
The spot sits atop the mark but under the dot.
The dot is atop of the spot on the mark.
The mark is beneath the dot and the spot.
The dot will remain where it was brought to park.
The layers just to mark the spot with a dot,
just to create a place for the dot to park.
It parks above the mark and on the spot.
It doesn\'t need much room, it\'s just a dot.
Clouded view
Slowly they reform and change their view,
these are the things a cloud likes to do.
Just like a lie wants to be so true,
truthful words hidden from your view.
It is not that a cloud changes to new,
not that a lie is automatically true,
these are simply points of view.
These are points I write for you,
looking at the words in your view,
think about the clouds above you.
Slowly the clouds do what they do,
a lie is a lie and a true is true.
A cloud is a truth for you to view.