

You know life is hard when all you want to do is disappear
Life is hard when all you do is get pushed around, used, and replaced
I am a very trustworthy, reliable,  but I am too kind to people
So they take advantage of you

I love you more than I love myself
And it hurts more that there is no one else
Yes I love you but my heart has swelled
I am dead on the inside and you know it too and it just want to escape to an hotel

Maybe this isn\'t for me
Maybe I wasn\'t meant for this time
Maybe we weren\'t meant to be
If I wasn\'t here who would care

I am basically invisible to everyone I know
So who would care if I was gone
My sister would
But you could

Maybe I am a horrible person
You called me that and I believe(s)d it
You called me all these things and I believe them
Maybe I am better off gone