The Dormer-Windows open wide,
And views the yawning Countryside,
For beyond the glare of the familiar pane,
A Tableau spread, of life in train.
As through the trees and across the town,
The Ring-On-Ring of the Church Bells sound,
They call on the Faithful To ‘Come out to pray’,
‘Your Sins Absolved’ they seem to say.
And down the road the people queue,
For the ‘Early’ Bus long overdue,
They stand around, such a sorrowful crowd,
Into their Phones their heads all bowed.
And the drivers say by an occasional eye,
’There but for the grace of Karl Benz go I’,
As along the Tar they Chug and Roar,
‘No time to lose’ their Revs implore,
Clogging the roads up and down,
Of those myriad arteries throughout the town.
Then to the gardens down the Row,
Where’s there’s Ice cold drinks and flesh to show,
As the Rose and Dalia Bob and Bow,
And tell us all It’s Summer now.
Birds in chorus, Birds in flight,
Cherry tree blossom of Wedding dress white.
And is that a mist that shrouds the Wood,
Where in Henry’s time the Abbey stood?
A weathered stone or two lies cast,
A remembrance of, our Monastic-Past,
Where by the Boughs so dark and green,
All nature strives, Its toils unseen.
And Children play as Children do,
An ancient game they think as new,
’Ring of Roses’, ‘Hide and Seek’,
Their cheerful voices parade the Street,
Falling, Rising, never a care,
Scattering through the Summer Air.
And Mothers chatter by and by,
Beside the Washing blowing dry,
As Fathers play the Season’s tune,
Lawnmowers in voice now It’s early June.
For the Dormer-Windows open wide,
And beyond there reigns the Countryside,
So dressed throughout in Its finest gown,
Around this Masonry, little town.