
I was born

I was born a  runner of life

conqueror  of the eight .

But I speak the wovels 

of the night star 

and other decent consonnants...

I also know cloud dreams ,

because do you know ?

Clouds send messages 

that people in a hurry don\'t read 

and the moon that wakes up at night

only talks to cats playing on rooftops ...

I was born a warrior strategy sand castles

whose populations are converted 

to the cult of the tide

that will swep them away ....

 I am  the prophet of every day life 

 the astrologer of the moment ,

knocking at your door ...

I can read the scent of  roses 

and get drunk on the alcohol of  words...

Because do you know ?

Only children who refuse to grow up ,

perceive the symphony of flowers

and are visited by Peter Pan !

Little Wendy became a lady 

who no longer believes in Mary Poppins ...

Poor Teddy forgotten at the back of a  cupboard .

I was born a dealer  of seasons ,

and so many illusions ...

 A bit of an actor and so sincere liar ,

 performing the role of my shadow

I am so beautiful  in this shabby mirror !

I was born a musician of tomorrow 

 silkrope walker of inspired dimensions 

deliciously linked to the Devil...

  Don\'t be afraid guys

  the devil is a good boy !

In the plot of my life the path begins 

at the last hours of comedy .

 But don\'t believe me ! 

  I am just a fool ...




