
Hippowhatsitphobia Acrostic.



Have you seen the word?

It scares you,

Puts the fear of God

Parading around your head,

Offering no comfort in

Pausing to let your pour

Out your worries,

The worries that

Overwhelm you,

Making you feel ill

Or scared to utter any

New words that come.

So ignorance may be perceived

That shows not your

Reality as the long words

Only belong in dictionaries

Sheltered from your mind

Easing your fear of long words

Subsequently allowing your mind to

Quieten from the horror of your

Unsubstantiated eloquence

Inconsequential abhorrence of words

Parading in syllables

Participating in incomprehensibilities

Ending in floccinaucinihilipilification

Drowning in pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

Allowing your hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia to rise

Leaving your comatose mind

In a state of pure decidophobia where

Only monosyllabic words

Prevent atichiphobia

Happening within your logophobic mind stopping your

Oneirophobia preventing you from

Basking in the bibliophobia

In the xenophobia that

Attracts bogyphobia.