
I run on batteries

You try to pull the plug

But I run on batteries

Did you have to pull the rug

Out from underneath me

You treat me like I\'m evil

You even tried to cut my wings

But demons don\'t have halos

You have neither but I have both

I am an angel

That is in disguise

Even if you don\'t see me fly

You say you know what it\'s like to be me

But you were never chained up

You were always free

You never ran out of luck

Because you were always lucky

So, no you don\'t know what it\'s like to be me

To be chained to this earth

While everyone else gets to leave

To be embedded into the dirt

Apart of the leafs

Tried to hold me under your thumb

But you will not break me

You try to pull the plug

But I run on batteries