L: - Look, the wind is driving all the clouds…
Ya.: - Well, so what?
L: - It will rain again now.
Ya.: - Yes, perhaps.
L: - So, many things happen
For reasons beyond our control.
Ya.: - Of course, something, even if it is a little,
Since the time the world has existed,
Still depends entirely on God,
Despite the fact that there is no God.
But believe me,
I could do for you
What even God could not do!
You only have to order -
I am ready to get everything for you -
I am ready to accept any plan:
To the cinema, to dance, to a restaurant!
I beg you to give me an answer quickly!
L: - Please!
I: - Just don\'t say \"no\"!
L: - Please!
But I must ask you...
Well, at least be a little more modest.
More serious...
I: - More serious? Please!
L: - Calmer!
I: - Calmer? Please!
L: - More dignified!
I: - More dignified? Please!
L: - More respectable!
I: - More respectable? Please!
L: - More serious, calmer, more dignified, more respectable.
I: - Please!
L: - Please!
I: - Please!
I: - Nothing of what was, is in sight.
I am seriously in love for the first time.
L: - Yasha, I don\'t recognize you.
Ya: - For a reason, in this case,
Depending on you.
L: - I have a fiancé.
Ya: - That\'s for sure!
L: - He will find out - he will be so worried.
Ya: - I give you my word as a gentleman, Laura,
That I don\'t care about this!
L: - I don\'t know what to do, how should I act?
Ya: - You have to approach life philosophically!
I will carry out any order, please!
Do you want me to disappear from sight - please!
So that I can get the moon from the sky,
So that I can climb into the fire for you?
I beg you to give me an answer quickly!
L: - Please!
Ya: - Just don\'t say \"no\"!
L: - Please!
But I have to ask you...
Well, at least be a little more modest.
More serious...
Ya.: - More serious? Please!
L.: - Calmer!
Ya.: - Calmer? Please!
L.: - More dignified!
Ya.: - More dignified? Please!
L.: - More dignified!
Ya.: - More dignified? Please!
L.: - More serious, calmer, more dignified, more dignified.
Ya.: - Please!
L.: - Please!
Ya.: - Please!