The art of lust is evermore
The birth of treason is here
The sexy rose upon the house
Has waved its white flag
My heart is a heart of hearts
And Lolly falls to her knees
For philosophy is philosophy
And the art of war is young;
Such youth rises to the finish line
And birds fall to their deaths
For the death of spring shall allow such hardships
I reckon treason is near!
Oh Lolly in the spring has come to war
As she lifts the roses out of treason
What reason and rhyme will she follow
Unless there is treason in the air?
For a rose of war has no heartbeat
It is shattered across the world as we speak
And loneliness dies upon the wall...
Oh the shattered curtain! Where are the roses?
For the roses are a part of the show
And Lolly has her heart in the spring
What lover of lovers shall roam?
Alas, alas! The mourning bell
It has touched millions of hearts
Along with the treason of roses
As Lolly sings her heart to the spring,
How romantic is treason?
How romantic is spring?
For my heart is in the spring with Lolly;
A fair-weather friend
A treason until the end,
What lover shall roam
In the fairness of friendship?
For my friendship with Lolly
Is all but innocent,
For treason is the wall between friends.
How romantic is Lolly in her treason
When treason has nothing to fear?
For Lolly is a statue between two doves
She is an imaginary force of nature
And the streets shall weep for Lolly