Cheeky Missy
Oops, What Was That, m\'Dear?
I knew the actual recipe would be different when my first attempt used up cabbage gone south. What I forgot, until three days later, was that flavors need time to meld.
I\'ll Use Balsamic Vinegar?
The twa big heads at least chopped up, t\'avail
We\'ve canteloupe and breakfast hash fr\'intents;
With cabbage, sausage and potatoes, dense
With flavour, saurkraut would be better; frail
As making that first batch with old, t\'was bail
For heightened tastes. How fix that, eh? save thence
Til\'s aged? the rest will rot. Alas. What hence?
Be teased to death cuz that\'s the best detail.
Online suggests lo: vin\'gar, as in tour
He tells me \'gain how to craft saurkraut--do
That later, mebbe? Sparrows gaily stir
A happy sense where milder temps now woo,
Like Summer\'s not far off. Come, come, what were
We thinking? LORD, restore us: we wait You.
...and trying to finish Sunday\'s lunch near midnight, kick me.
Hmm? Checking the Mercury Right Now
If Monday seemed unduly warm as thence
I donned a late Spring dress in green\'s detail
For lo, mine Irish, flutter-sleeve t\'avail
And all, yea, was quite fine thus too, for sense
Was \"spot on\" thereby; lo, today what hence?
Don erm, a Summer dress in green, in frail
Excuse with short sleeved floral shirt for bail,
And twas too nippy, sadly, for defense.
March\' roller-coaster is the game astir,
And we love ev\'ry minute, yes, shall rue
The time when one temp rules, its weary tour
What leaves us howling like we never knew
Twas so. I\'m having fun, yet dread in poor
Reply ole Summer. LORD, return, won\'t You?
...I\'ve wanted to for 14 years now. My late father had an anecdote from his college days where his friend\'s mother called after them: \"Eat your banana! It\'s good for your heart!\" and you know about how \"an apple a day keeps the doctor away!\" right?
I\'d Love To Open My Own Cafe
Caprese with cherry \'matoes\' sweet detail
Tops aught I\'ve known before, as if from hence
Tis all I ever should use, eh? The sense
Of basil fresh thus matched like to avail,
What\'s left to add? Pom avrils for sheer bail
Now that is done, the cake is finished, whence?
There\'s mac-n-cheese, beef hot dawgs, and from thence
So much more, choc\'late ice cream down the trail.
Charcut\'rie boards I\'ll pack for third shift\'s tour,
(Go call me selfish will ye?!), ne ado
For that detail, bananas, apples fer
Our hearts and keeping doc at bay anew,
We\'ve oranges, and the list goes on. Bestir
Friends online and but tease? LORD, we wait You.