Arnold Miller was a simple man of everyday
Raised as his father in the ranching ways
He had his troubles, sure, but a loving wife
Who stood by his side without any gripe
Arnold Miller worked hard day and night
To make future kids smile with all his might
He\'d come home in a sweat with every ache
Knowing his loving wife would be his break
Arnold Miller was a well known fellow
Mild, and quiet, but always said \"hello\"
Though most paid him little to no mind at all
And if asked, would say they meant to call
Arnold Miller had a loving wife for years
Who supported him fully through the tears
He believed that she was one of a kind
And without her, the world never shined
Arnold Miller was a simple man of everyday
Raised as his father in the ranching ways
We found him dead with his note on the floor
As he went to his loving wife once more