Speeches Freedoms
For in your darkest hour, there is still a fainted light,
Glimmering with what you want nor what you take with might.
Take a huge step back, learn from your hindsight.
Lessons told and then retold to keep you from a blinding night.
Nobody is perfect. Not one life hides all mistakes.
What do they expect, perfection thou partake?
If wisdom was a simple thing then men would seek it not.
For it\'d be sung by birds and worms in grounds and skies of flocking flight.
And spoken by the frogs and turtles idling on the rocks.
Lean on me for strength, shelter and the power.
To intoxicate your whims with desires by the hour.
Shake your fist at angry men or simply just ignore.
For you probably didn’t go a knocking. Banging at their door.
They probably cracked their wisdom on your ear for you to hear.
If you listened did you anticipate? probably not without some fear.
For this I say let live. Let each man have his say.
And round and round the earth will go day by amiable day.
For without this right of man, a freedom earned in time.
Of centuries of a kings demand, when speaking was a crime.
Today we say the words expressed even if to offend.
It’s better this my friend then live in a speechless world, lost in ignorance and dead end.