Here comes a flood
Meant to take innocent blood
Everyone\'s trying to run for cover
While I stand face to face
With nothing left to say
The voices drowned out by the thunder
But I will not cry
And I won\'t break nor crumble
Whenever they try
To shut me out or calm me down
I won\'t be silent
You\'ve tried to keep me quiet
Won\'t tremble when fighting
For all you know I won\'t go speechless
They say my fate is written in stone
Down to its roots, down to the bone
Every word taken to their grave
Never getting what they deserve
A centuries-old tale thats unwavering
\"That is not your place\"
\"You\'re too pretty to get hurt\"
Well, that story is now ending
Let the storm in
I\'ll never be broken
I refuse to live with words unspoken
\'Cause I know that I won\'t go speechless
They tried to put me in my place
And to that I\'ll say
That i won\'t let you win
This fight isn\'t finished
I won\'t just lay down and die
\'Cause I can breathe
While suffocating
Try to drown me
You shouldn\'t pick fights you can\'t win
Hear me say that I…
I\'m not Speechless