GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

Dear Fathers,

  Just wanted to talk woman to man. Be there for your daughter. Do all that you can. Have those tea parties with her; be a part of her world. Let her know she’ll always be; “daddy’s little girl.” Stand by her when your little girl becomes a teen. Console her when this world tends to become mean. Take her out on daddy daughter dates. Teach what a man ought and ought not do. Let her know that as the first love of her life; she can always count on you. Pray over her. This is the greatest act of love. The father you are to her, will help her believe in her Father above. I am not a man. I don’t know all you go through. But I’m speaking from experience when I say; “trust me; she needs you.” You’re only human I know. Mistakes are often made. Apologize to her. So when you look back; you’ll see the difference a Father truly makes.