
Waiting for my love

I saw the clock strike twelve 

Should I turn off the lamp

And go to bed 

Or should I wait at the door 

To welcome my love ? 

The night is cold and 

they haven\'t stopped streaming down the floor

My patience isn\'t quitting 

But my phone won\'t stop ringing 

\"Come out to see the moon

You waited too much 

You look like a fool! \"

\"Birthday wishes don\'t come true!

Go find someone cool !

What makes you think 


Would choose you?\"

But my patience for you isn\'t quitting 

Even though scars are bleeding 

And my heart slowly stops beating 

I feel something\'s missing 

So I will wait patiently at my door 

And I\'ll look outside 

Once or twice 

In case you come unwarned

And I don\'t welcome you with an open hug

But with an open soul 

Divided into three million parts 

From the thoughtlessly opened wrong doors


Still streaming down the floor 

I dry them off

I laugh it off 

I put a smile as bitter as his soul

And pretentious mode 

Conquers my thoughts 

In case I survive life without you 

Life cut in two 

Life with nugatory use 

For I\'m well aware of the moon 

Shining only when it\'s full 

And I will not be like those fools 

Who so carelessly chase after cleft in twain stars

With the wont to now be cruel

So I\'ll wait at my door 


To welcome my love!