
One of Those Thoughts

People are funny

Not ha ha

Just funny

Sometimes ha ha

But mostly just funny

One thing is said

Another is done

I guess that’s where the ha ha comes in

But this is just one of those thoughts


So many normal people

In a normal based world

Normal people on the streets

Living normal lives

How do normal people live?


What is normal?

Is there such a thing?

Or is this just one of those thoughts?


Do you ever stop to ponder?

Stop to wonder

Stop to think about things

Pondering your choices

Wondering if the voices will ever leave

Thinking that this all might just be in your head

Maybe it’s the drugs

Maybe it’s the past

Or maybe it’s just one of those thoughts


Thoughts in my head

I can sometimes see them

See the beauty

And the fear

Mostly the beauty

But that’s what I fear

Fear of the too good to be true

The truth I’ve never known

This is one of those thoughts


Have you ever felt trapped?

Though there is no trap

Like your stuck


But everything else can move

And you’re the only one


Do you feel that way?

Or am I having one of those thoughts?


Are things what they seem?

What is reality?

Do you feel like your hanging on a cliff

With a broken hand

And you’re contemplating

Why you’re holding on

Because it just brings you more pain

To hold on

Or is this just one of those thoughts?


What makes me real?

What makes me sane?

What are the odds?

That I am both

Or the complete opposite

How does this make sense?

How does anything make sense

Sometimes I ask what this all is

I think this is one of those thoughts